Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is the general-purpose programming language for the server side scripting language for the web development. Initially, it was use to perform small web-servers tasks but later on, it emerged as the scripting tool for the server-side. Learning PHP completely allows creating the web applications dynamically. This language deals with the server-side scripting, writing desktop applications and command line scripting. In addition, the codes have the capability of deploying on the most web servers, operating systems and platforms for GUI applications. The three things that make it popular are that it is easy: easy to use, easy to learn, easy to implement. Even it is free and runs on almost any web server. It is both a scripting language and a collection of tools to perform various functions in an HTTP and web. It can create dynamic and static web sites. However to be a dynamic developer there are plenty of institutes dealing with this course. The courses on PHP, enables the learner to be a creative and innovative designer over HTTP. Indeed to mention regarding the trainers, the institute should have dynamic and professionals expertise to provide the entire concept in a delicate and in a lucid manner. Among various training classes, SEED Group is one those, having handy experience trainers to deliver the best concept to the students. The team of professionals over this institute has wide spectrum to make the dreams alive of the web developer. Therefore, run to the nearest centre and en roll yourself in the live training sessions.
What you will Be Able to Achieve During This Course
This course will enable you to build real-world, dynamic web sites. If you've built websites using plain
HTML, you realize the limitation of this approach. Static content from a pure HTML website is just thatstatic.
It says the same unless you physically update it.Your users can't interact with the site in any
meaningful fashion.
Who Should Attend
These are creating dynamic, database-driven web sites. Basic experience with HTML is assumed.
Programming such as C or PERL experience is helpful but not required.
Hands-On Training
In this course, you develop PHP scripts to perform a variety to takes, culminating
in the development of a full database-driven Web page. Exercises include:
- Accessing command line arguments from PHP scripts
- Generating web pages dynamically using PHP
- Retrieving Web Pages manipulating from data
- Personalizing Web site content using Session and Cookies
- Tracking user navigation on your Web site
- File handling with PHP script
- Regular Expression with PHP to Make strong validation
- Object Oriented Concept to make more Powerful Web Application
Introductory Session 1 Hrs.
- Web Architecture
- Overview of PHP Platform
- Origins of PHP in the open source community
- Why we use PHP?
- Some of PHP's strengths:
- Some of PHP's main competitors are PERL, Microsoft ASP.NET, JavaServer Page
- Availability across multiple platforms
- Installing as a module for Apache Web Server
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) 3 Hrs.
- Introduction To HTML
- Structure of HTM
- Attributes & Values
- Comments , Header Tags
- Image Tag
- Link Tags (Text & Image)
- Marquee Tag
- List Tag (Ordered & Unordered)
- Table Tag
- Form Tags
- Audio ,Video Tags
- About Iframe
- Embedding of Google Maps ,You tube videos
- BlockLevel and Inline Elements
- DIV Tag
HTML5 New Tags 1 Hrs
- Header , Footer , Nav
- Section ,Article ,Aside
- New Form Elements
Style Sheet (CSS) 3 Hrs.
- Document Testing
- About CSS Selectos
- About CSS Properties
- Background Properties
- Box Properties
- Border Properties
- Positioning Properties
- CSS Menu Design
- CSS Animation
Bootstrap (Responsive Design)
- Introduction to Responsive Design
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Grid Classes
- Equal Columns , Unequal Columns
- Layout Creation
Creating a Web Layout using Div's , CSS & Bootstrap 2 Hrs.
PHP language building blocks 1 Hrs.
- Comparing PHP with other Web scripting languages or technology
- Installation of PHP
- PHP delimiters
- Variable initialization with PHP
- PHP Data types
- PHP Constants
- PHP Operators
Conditional Statements 1 Hrs.
- If else
- If else if else
- Nested If
- Switch Case
- Jump Statements ( Break , Continue , Exit )
Looping (Iteration) 2 Hrs.
- For loop
- While loop
- Do while loop
- Nested Loop
Introducing ARRAY 2 Hrs.
- How to use an important programming construct: arrays
- Numerically Indexed arrays
- Non-Numerically Indexed arrays (Associative Array)
- Multidimensional arrays
- Array sorting
Manipulation user input 1 Hrs.
- Presenting the user with input options via different HTML from elements
- Retrieving form data with $_POST,$_GET and $_REQUEST arrays
- Preserving Data in Form inputs
Reusing Code and Functions 3 Hrs.
- Introducing Functions
- Defining functions
- Using parameters
- Understanding scope
- Returning values
- Call By Value & Call By reference
- Reusing Codes
- Implementing recursion
- Using Require() and include()
- Array , String , Math , Date functions
- Super Global Array Variables
JavaScript (JS) 3 Hrs
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Variable , Operators , Conditions
- Looping and Array
- Introduction to functions
- Popup Boxes (Alert ,Confirm ,Prompt)
- Introduction to functions
- Form Handling
- DOM Manipulation
- Pre- defined functions
- Introduction to Objects
- What is property and methods
- String , Math , Navigator , Date ,Array , Window Objects
- Introductions to object based technology
- Class , object , property , inheritance
- Client Side Validation (Regular Expression)
Introducing with the file system and the Server 2 Hrs.
- Saving data for later using le system
- Opening a file Creating and Writing to a file
- Creating and Writing to a file
- Closing a file
- Reading from le
- Deleting a file
- Using other useful file functions
- Create a directory
- Remove a directory
File Uploading & Downloading 2 Hrs
- File uploading Concepts
- Multiple File Upload
- Downloading file from server using header.
String Manipulation and Regular Expression 1 Hrs
- Formatting , Joining ,splitting , comparing strings
- Introducing Regular Expression
- REGEX Implementation.
State Management 3 Hrs.
- Session, Cookie , Query String
- What Session Control is?
- Understanding Basic Session Functionality
- Starting a Session
- Registering Session variables
- Using Session Variables
- Destroying the variables and Session
- What is a Cookie?
- Setting Cookies with PHP
- Using Cookies with Sessions
- Deleting Cookies
- Implementing Query String
MySQL Database 5 Hrs.
- Relational Database Concept and technology
Database Connection 1 Hrs.
- Mysqli connectivity
- Procedural Connectivity
- Object Oriented Connectivity
- PDO (Php Data Object) Connectivity
Jquery with AJAX 2 Hrs.
- jQuery introduction
- jQuery Selectors , events , DOM , animations
- jQuery accordions, carousel, tab
- jQuery conflict
- Ajax Implementation
- CRUD Operation with AJAX
Object Oriented PHP 3 Hrs.
- Object oriented concepts
- Classes, objects and operations
- Class attributes
- Access Modifier
- Constructor & Destructor
- Inheritance
- Static method
- Type Hinting
- Object Cloning
- Abstract class
- Final keyword
- Inheritance
- Implementing interface
- Understanding Advance and New Object Oriented functionality
- Magic functions with PHP
Advance PHP Techniques 3 Hrs.
- Implementing Captcha
- PDF Generation
- Excel or CSV Generation
- Email with PHP
- Implementing Pagination
- SQL Injection
- Web Services with JSON
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Http Headers & Output Buffering
- Error tracking and debugging
- Exception Handling
Web Hosting 1 Hrs.
- Manage Domain with name server
- Manage Web Hosting from FTP and CPANEL
- Managing Database, Email Accounts, Sub Domains etc.
- Live your project.
Developing a dynamic web application 7 Hrs.
- Frontend Using Bootstrap & templates
- Backend Using Templates