Another name of world's best platform for mobile applications is Android. It is a software package that has operating system, middleware and key applications. For Java based Android applications Software Development Kit (SDK) provides tools and APIs. Android platform runs multiple applications at one time. For e.g. Android user can receive notification, listen music and use GPS. Android applications have a vast market. Its applications are used by many prominent mobile phone manufacturing companies. It provides easier application maintenance and market exposure to developer. Android is a versatile application which is flexible with hardware and carrier. Besides this, Android APIs helps a developer in developing standard apps. One who has work experience or good hands on Java can easily learn Android development. Usually the candidates with computer science and related engineering background and MCA & MSc can learn this course but anyone with good command over java can take Android training. SEED's Android course provides you a well designed training program according to IT job market demand. Enhanced and frequent exposure to labs and experienced faculties will give a sharp edge in Android development. Live project development, regular revision and tips for coding are a part of course.
Introduction to Android 6 HRS
- Introduction to Android
- Brief history of Android
- What is Android?
- Why is Android important?
- What benefits does Android have?
- What is OHA?
- Why to choose Android?
- Software architecture of Android
- Advantages of Android
- Android features
- Android market
- Comparing Android with other platform
Getting Started 3 HRS
- How to select Android version?
- Step to create new project
- Running Your Application
- Creation of New AVD
- Creating run configuration
- Creating your first Android activity
- List of basic sample programs
Android Component Life Cycle 3 HRS
- Activity Life Cycle with sample program
- Service Life Cycle with sample program
Business Requirement Specification (Project Based) 3 Hrs
- What are views, Layouts and there classification?
- How Android Draws views and Layout?
- Classification
- Table Layout ln detail with Example
- Usability & humanity requiremen
- Frame Layout ln detail with Example
- Linear Layout in detail with Example
Android Views 12 HRS
- Grid View In detail With Example
- Map View In detail with Example
- Cont. Sub Topical Views
- Web View In detail with Example
- Spinner In detail with Example
- Gallery In detail with Example
- Google Map View In detail with Example
- Introduction to creating activity user with views
- Different ways of creating views Using xml
What are Fragments? 6 HRS
- Multipane & Singlepane
- Fragment Life Cycle
- Addition of Fragments
- Fragments Working without UI
Introduction to Menus 3 HRS
- How to create menus?
- Types of Android Application Menus
- Option Menu
- Expanded - In detail with Example
- Context Menu ln detail with example
- Sub Menu-In detail with example
Introduction to Drawers 3 HRS
- Simple Side Drawer
- Tab Drawer
- Extra Drawer
Handling User Interaction Events 6 HRS
- Handling user events
- Different types of event listener
- OnClickO
- OnLongClickOc
- OnFocusChangeO
- OnKeyO
- OnTouchO?
- OnCreateContextMenuO
- Different types of event handler
- OnKeyDown (int, KeyEvent)
- OnKeyUp (int, KeyEvent)
- OnTrackballEvent (MotionEvent)
- OnTouchEvent (MotionEvent)
- OnFocusChanged (boolean,int,Rect)
Creating Dialogs 4 HRS
- Introduction to dialogs
- Showing and dismissing of dialog boxes
- Alert dialog In detail with example
- Progress dialog In detail with example
- Threading and handler
- Creating running applications-Events
- Creating running applications-Dialogs
Notifications 3 HRS
- Notifying Users
- Status bar Notification
- Toast Notification
- Dialog Notification
Intents, Broadcast Receivers 6 HRS
- Different types of intent?
- Launching sub-activities
- What is intent filter
- Intent objects---In detail with example
- Using intents to take pictures
- Handling sub activity results
Data Storage 6 HRS
- Android techniques for data storage
- Creating and saving shared preferences
- Retrieving shared preferencesC
- Storing in filesC
- Loading from files.
- Storing in databases
Working with SQL Lite 6 HRS
- Working with Android databases.
- Using SQLite OpenHelper.
- Cursors and content values.
- Opening and closing Database
Working in Background 3 HRS
- Introducing services
- Creating and controlling services
- Registering a service in the manifest
- Starting, controlling, and interacting with a service
Using the Camera, Taking Pictures and the Media AP 13 HRS
- Technical Interview Preparation
- Playing audio and video
Introduction SMS 6 HRS
- Using SMS and MMS in Your Application
- Sending SMS and MMS from your Application
- Using Intents and the Native Client
- Sending SMS Messages Manually
- Tracking and Conforming SMS Message Delivery
- Conforming to the Maximum SMS
- Message Size Sending DAT Messages
Android Telephony 6 HRS
- Lanching the Dialer to Initiate Phone
- Calls Replacing the Native Dialer
- Accessing phone and Network Properties & Status
- Reading Phone Device Details
- Reading Data Connection and Transfer
- Reading Network Details
Sensor Device 6 HRS
- Using sensors and the sensor manager
- Introducing Sensors
- Supported Android Sensers
- Finding Sensors
- Using Sensors
- Interpreting the sensor values
- Using the compass , accelerometer and orientation sensors
- Introducing Accelerometers
- Detecting Acceleration Changes
- Creating a G-Forceometer
- What are webservices
- Web service Architecture
- Asyn task
- Parsing Techniques JSON, XML
- Consuming WebServices
- CRUD over Server
- Introduction to JSON
- Advantage of JSON over XML
- Synatx & Structure of JSON
- Why is JSON is preferred for mobile applications
- Different types JSON Parsers, simple json
- Introducation Volley Library
- Volley Library Advantages
- Volley Library Components
- How to setup the environment
- Creating Volley singleton class
- Different Types of Requests
- Adding request headers
- Handling Volley Cache
- Retrofit introduction
- Add library in Gradle
- Configure Web API
- Get contents
- Create a file
- Update a file
- Delete a file
- Get archive link
- Custom media types
- What is new in Kotlin
- Kotlin setup process
- IntelliJ IDEA installation Process
- Program concept
- Run first App
- Variable Concept
- Define Variables
- Var vs Val
- Input data – ReadLine
- Add Comments
- Null safety
- Convert between Data Type
- Math operations.
- Priorites
- Increment and Decrement
- What is the Output
- Debug your Code step by step
- Logic statementc
- Simple IF
- IF- Else
- IF- ElseIF
- Nested IF
- When
- Expression If and When.
- Simple For Loop
- Nested For Loop
- While Loop
- Do While Loop
- Returns and Jumps
- String
- One-Dimension Array structure
- One-Dimension Array implementation
- ArrayList
- HashMap
- mapOf, Arrayof, listOf and mutableListOf
- setOf and mutableSetOf
- Simple Function
- Function Overload
- Polymorphism
- Global and Local Variables
- What is oops
- Simple Class
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Visibility Modifiers
- Overriding
- Casting
- super and this
- interface
- Abstract
- Enum
- Generic
- Extensions
- Packages
- Inner and Nested Class
- Lazy and Singleton design pattern